In early April our Seniors group took a road trip to Petersburg and Williamstown, Kentucky, to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. What a trip!
The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter are two Biblical attractions put together by the Answers In Genesis organization and Ken Ham.
There is so much to see and the museum itself includes a wide range of displays expounding on Bible history, creation science, the Garden of Eden, and of course, dinosaurs.
The Ark Encounter, a life size rendition of Noah's Ark, is phenomenal and really eye-opening. The quality of the workmanship is top notch and really gives you an idea of what it would have been like back in the time of the flood.
"Definitely something to put on your 'Bucket List'" said one Senior, while another didn't want to go home he was having so much fun. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.
If you ever get a chance to make the journey, it is well worth your time and effort. You're going to love it!
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125 N. Court Street
Crown Point, IN 46307
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Sunday School 9:00 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
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Choir Practice 5:00 pm
Discipleship Class 5:15 pm
Evening Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening:
King's Kids 6:45 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm